Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Half Way There!!!

Hello everyone! I know it has been many moons since my last post, but we have had some major changes happen over the past month!

The first major update would have to be our new house!  We loved living in the condos but climbing those stairs everyday with a baby was not something we were looking forward to.  We didn’t think we would be able to move until July, after the baby was born, but a few things just happen to fall into place and we were able to move!  We love our new place, and it is going to be a great starter for our little family. 

Big news number two…WE KNOW THE GENDER!!! (Which I’m sure everyone knows already)

We knew as soon as we got pregnant we wanted to have a big gender reveal party.  We decided to go with a Lady or Gent theme.  It’s was super easy to plan because every idea I found online I was able to show Chuck and he made it (talented daddy)!

In this picture I am 18 weeks prego.
Voting Board 8 for Lady and 7 for Gent.
Carlos predicted the baby would be a girl and I predicted a boy.
To help everyone make their gender prediction I made an old wives tale board! This was a lot of fun.

Since Carlos wore Converse for our wedding and I wore TOMS we decided that is how we tell everyone.  If we pulled out a pair of black Converse it would be a boy and pink TOMS would mean it's a girl.

Close family was there to find out the gender of the baby, and my Nona helped me make a BIG Italian dinner for everyone.  Grandma Linda made a super yummy pineapple upside down cake that made everyone miserable.

One of the really fun favors Carlos made was the mustache and lips straws.  Everyone used the straw that matched their gender prediction.  Modeling for us here is the classy Tia Lexi.  

Then came time for the big reveal!  We asked cousin Sami if she would reveal the gender for everyone... Drum roll............
CHUCKS!!! We are having a beautiful baby BOY!!! Daddy and I couldn't be happier!  

To find out the Gender we went to a 3D/4D ultrasound in Bakersfield.  Thank you so much Tia Vero and Tio Nuno for the gift card! 

Introducing Charles Logan Palomo!
This was such a wonderful experience! We also received a DVD of the ultrasound which you can watch below if you like.  It is about 12 minutes.

So now we are up to date with the current news. 

How far along? Today I am 21 weeks! Over halfway there!!!
Maternity Cloths? I haven't bought any maternity shirts yet.  I have been using a belly band for all my work pants and jeans, but I found two pairs of maternity dress pants for work that I plan on trying when I go back to work next week (Wooo!!! October vacation!!!)
Stretch Marks? Belly is still stretch mark free! I'm trying my best to prevent them.
Sleep: Ok so here is a funny story! My belly isn't big enough to plop on a pregnancy pillow yet, but I manage to use an old squished pillow to try and get comfortable.  Now that Charlie is moving a lot,  if my belly falls off of the pillow at all he will turn himself to were he kicks at the mattress as fast as he can until I move! I tried moving on the other side and did this maybe six times to see if it was my imagination but nope he is a sensitive sleeper for sure.  As for me, I have a hard time getting comfortable and have many bathroom breaks throughout the night.  I guess I might as well get used to it because as soon as he is here it will be the same thing.
Best moment this week: Best moment this weeks was going with big cousin Sami to pick out baby's first Build-A-Bear!
Have you told family and friends? Yes and everyone has been amazing! Thank you for all your love and support!
Missing Anything: Coffee and Hotdogs.  Not together of course.  I still love the smell of coffee, but recently I really miss hotdogs.
Movement: Yes! It is so weird when he flips around.
Food Cravings: Today I really wanted anything chocolate.  Sam and I both ate a bag of Rolos!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I can finally eat chicken again! Now if I smell anything sour like an old sponge that makes me feel sick.
Have you started to show yet? Oh yes! My little Nieces and Nephews love pointing at my belly and talking about their little cousin.  Every time Rylie goes home she rubs my belly and says "Bye Baby Chuck!"
Gender: Beautiful baby BOY!!!
Symptoms: Today I had really bad back pain.  Carlos and I have been walking twice a day and that tends to help.
Labor Signs: No! Way to early for that
Belly Button in or out? In, but looking a little weird because of my old surgery scar
Wedding ring on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: I am extremely happy and excited I just tend to get tired pretty fast these days.  
Looking forward to: Getting the nursery ready! We have already started collecting superhero stuff!  Carlos picked out a big batman action figure that is about the same size as Josiah.  He also has The Death Of Superman series framed for his room as well.  I plan on making his bedding to match the room.  Sam and I are currently designing a quilt, which we will have to make two of since she wants one to match :-)
Words from Chuck: I'm super excited and I can't wait for "The Kid" to be here! 

As I mentioned before we went with Sami to the Build-A-Bear Workshop and she picked out Chuck's first Build-a-Bear! Going with the superhero theme she decided he needed the First Avenger and named him Captain Abearica! We love this girl!

  Ok this is really cute!  My nephew Isaac has been watching me update the blog, and wasn't exactly sure how it worked.  I told him I was writing a story telling everyone about how the baby is doing and putting it on the internet for family.  He then asked me if he could write a story and take a picture for the baby and add it to the blog.  

Here is his story

Hello my name is Isaac Palomo and I am your big cousin.  I wrote this story for you.  One day when we found out about you we were excited, and I had a great feeling about this.  I felt you and me would have a great time playing with each other all day long.  I will let you play video games if you ever come to my house.  Josiah and me are fun and we can do a lot of things together.  We can play all day long.  You are going to be the second closest cousin.  I feel like you are going to be the coolest cousin ever! I hope that you can come to my school too.  I’ll try to make this story the best I can for you.  I bet you that if you ever find out you have a little cousin on the way you would write a story for him too.  I’ll try to be responsible for you. 

Now I am going to make up a cool story for you.

It all started in a big city called Deathcity.  There was a superhero named Charles Logan the strongest, coolest superhero around.  His powers were super strength, the ability to fly, and any other power you can think of.  One day there were some villains, they tried to kill guards to get a 60 feet high mountain of money! Before they even got it he popped out of nowhere and tied them up all around a ten thousand pound metal wall.  Charles Logan got all the money as a reward from the mayor of the city! And twice much more! Every time he left he flew off and disappeared. 
Written and Illustrated by Isaac Palomo

Hopefully I will be able to be more consistent with my blogging now that we have settled in.  Thank you everyone for all of your help with the move and being their to support us every step of the way.  We truly appreciate it!

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww :,) i love this update!!!! I wish we could have made it to the party, but we won't miss the next one!!! Looked like lots of fun. Love the pics and especially my boys letter & story. Thank you for sharing.
