Friday, August 24, 2012

14 Weeks!!!

I am really sorry it has taken me so long to post an update. Going back go work has left me with no energy at the end of the day. Carlos and I are doing very well! I am finally starting to get a baby bump. Here is my tummy picture at 13 weeks!!!
We had another Ultrasound at 12 weeks and it is amazing how much they grow in so little time.  When we got to the doctor's office they told me that I would have to go in by myself first, and when the doctor was done measuring the baby Carlos could come back too.  

The doctor told me that this was a very challenging test and that it could take anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour depending on how much the baby is moving.  She began the test and told me to say as still an quiet as possible to not bother the baby.  The baby we perfect! Never once moved and was laying in a perfect position to get the measurements the doctor needed.  I started to get nervous because the baby seemed too perfect not moving at all! The doctor assured me that the baby was fine! She showed me the heartbeat and promised that the baby was just very comfortable sleeping.  

Then it was time to call in daddy to see the baby.  The minute he Carlos walked in the room the baby was NO LONGER ASLEEP! This baby started kicking and rolling around (the baby and Carlos are already a team plotting against me!).  The doctor said the baby looked like he or she was dancing because crossing her or her feet back and forth. But the best part is they baby never stopped sucking his or her thumb! It was the cutest thing and also exciting because I was a little thumb sucker too! This whole time I just assumed the baby would be a clone of Carlos and now I have one little thing showing me there is a glimmer of myself in this child too! I am so excited.

Here is our little thumb sucker at 12 weeks!

Now that we are in the second trimester I have finally started collecting a few things for the baby!  We decided to buy the baby his or her first book and a little toy that went along with it.  It is really hard trying to find cloths that could be for either gender.  I can't wait until I finally know so I can go crazy with baby cloths!  We decided baby's first book would The Very Hungry Caterpillar, this was by far one of my favorite books growing up!  We have been working on a little library now so baby will have plenty to read once he or she is old enough. So far we have also bought Where the Wild Things Are, The Giving Tree, Fox in Socks, Green Eggs and Ham, and I still have all my Little Golden Books from when I was a kid!

Our next project is to tackle the nursery.  What used to be my office/craft room is being condensed into the front room to make way for baby chuck!  It's funny how much spare rooms can just accumulate so much junk!  Hopefully I will get the energy to filter through it soon.  We should know the gender in a few more weeks! I will be taking more tummy shots soon because I am getting rather large.  Thanks again everyone for your love and support.  More to come soon...